Monday, January 10, 2011

AAction v2.10 S60v3/v5/S^3

[SYMBIAN]AAction v2.10 S60v3/v5/S^3 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned
Symbian S60 v5 [i8910HD/5800/N97/Mini/X6] Apps
Symbian^3 [N8/C7/C6/E7]
Symbian OS 9.1/9.2/9.3 (3250,5500,E50,E60,E61,E90,N71,N73,N80,N82,N91,N92,N93,N95,N85,N96) Apps

AAction - it's application to assign actions to be performed when connecting or disconnecting headphones (accessory)Application's interface is a 2 views and you can add actions to them, they'll be executed whenever you connect or disconnect headphones (depending on view). Adding action performed from the menu (click Add action) then you must select the action and press soft-key, if needed (for example select an application to launch). Actions can also be removed, just need put the cursor on any action that you want to remove and select Remove action in pop-up menu.

List of actions that can be executed:

● Play/Pause in music player
● Stop in music player
● Press a key
● Launch the application
● Send task to background
● Bring task to foreground
● Close task
● Lock the keypad
● Unlock the keypad
● Enable light sensor
● Disable light sensor
● Set brightness level
● Delay

Key features:

● Allows to select any number of actions for connection or disconnection of headphones
● Minimal consumption of battery
● Detailed help
● Ability to contact the developer directly from the app
● Launch at startup
● Hidden in tasks list

Change Log:

* Added new actions: switching Bluetooth, profiles, simulation stylus
* Now there is action to close the program it closes it (plus the added killing programs)
* Added a menu item for editing action
* There are hot keys: key C - removal action, the choice of elements - the editing

Download to PC Clickshere

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