Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Android Market beat App Store, Predicted

Android Market beat App Store, Predicted

"Google introduces Android Market – the Google App Store for Android (and predicted), Google has launched its own application store or marketplace; see Android Market: a user "
As the growing popularity of Android, the number of applications developed for this operating system more and more. Even predicted soon, applications on the Android Market will be higher in number than the Apple App Store.
Even Android Market growth began exceeding the Apple Store. In April 2011, as many as 28 thousand new application added to Android Market, compared to 11 thousand in the App Store.

Until May 2011, the Android Market had 294,738 applications. This amount is approaching the App Store that had 381,062 applications at the same time.

By analyzing several factors such as higher growth than the App Store, Android applications, to predict the number of applications in the Android Market will surpass the App Store around August 2011.
For example only 36% paid Android applications, compared with 60% application in the App Store. Apple’s revenue edges will still be higher than Google.

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