Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Worse In Women ?

It seems indeed that women suffer more from rheumatoid arthritis than men.

These Finnish researchers who had the idea to look at the association between gender and measures, treatment and clinical characteristics of this disease. They looked to do what was happening at more than 6 000 patients and in 25 different countries.

In general, women report more pain symptoms and greater disability (especially at work) than men. Among the patients studied, 79% were women, 90% Caucasian and the average age was 57 years. Patients were evaluated by a doctor and had to answer a questionnaire about their condition.

Thus, it was found that women complained more of this disease than men. This was particularly noted in the tabulation of results of the questionnaire: for parameters such as pain, depression and other health indicators.

There are obvious differences between the sexes regarding the prevalence, age of onset and the production of antibodies.

An explanation could be that the fact that women are on average less muscular than men and are in fact more affected by this type of debilitating disease.

Related post
Type Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Therapy 
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Tags: rheumatoid arthritis drug treatment, drugs for rheumatoid arthritis, drug for rheumatoid arthritis

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