Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do Not Let Arthritis Kill You

If the disorder is chronic, learn to take care of the pain and maximize your mobility to lead an active life in spite of arthritis.

Start first consult your doctor if you have not done. Drugs against pain can facilitate your movement and relieve stiffness. It is important not to get discouraged if the drugs are not effective immediately. An effective drug for one person is not necessarily good for another.

You may need to try several at different doses, to obtain adequate relief. With some drugs, you may need to wait several weeks before we get the full effect.

It's normal to feel frustrated or depressed when you do certain activities are more accessible - whether hiking in the woods or work closely with the needle. But to maintain your physical and moral health, you may need to make some adjustments. If you like to walk a lot, continue, but travel shorter distances.

Walk through your neighborhood or take part in a walkathon taking place within the shopping centers that support them. If it became too difficult for you to pursue your hobby, you may adopt another activity that requires less stress on your joints, or use of suitable aids to continue to enjoy this pastime time as you like. To find these aids adapted to facilitate movement, occupational therapists are professionals of choice to consult.

Exercise ! In the case of arthritis, exercise improves the mobility of joints and strengthens the muscles that bring the joints. You should, of course, avoid exercises that increase the pain, but swimming and walking are activities often recommended.

Swimming is particularly beneficial for people with arthritis, because water helps to carry the weight of the body and reduces the effort required of the joints. Ask if your community center offers exercise programs designed specifically for people with arthritis.

Regular practice of swimming or participating in an exercise program will prompt you to leave home and attend to other people. Physical activities as well as mental, is important for your health. Your doctor or your physiotherapist may suggest interesting activities

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