Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Surgey To Relief Arthritis

Arthritis is a disease that strikes people of all ages. Subsequent deformed and the joints making them stiff and sore, sometimes the pain is so severe that incapacitates people fully informed orthopedic doctor Juan Eugenio Martinez Gonzalez, director of the Hospital General "Dr. Santiago Ramon Cajal "of the ISSSTE.

He explained that this condition is chronic and common among the population. While it is not known what caused the arthritis begins slowly and the symptoms are: when you wake in the morning, your hands are numb, they become rigid, accompanied by pain and swelling, are affecting the joints of the tip of the fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck, jaws, hips, knees, ankles and lumbar spine in the area, the evil is associated with fatigue and general tiredness.

Martinez Gonzalez said that because the pain is one of the most damaging aspects of the arthritis, current treatments are aimed at relief is the reduction of inflammation and stop or slow joint damage.

Therefore, he said, requires that patients have a life to turn around their well-being, which involves taking a positive attitude, to have fun and eat balanced meals, in addition to exercising frequently.

This makes it possible to overcome the disease, because along with good discipline of sleep the patient able to mitigate their illnesses, and to relax the joints to reduce the pain and inflammation.

Related post:
Arthritis Joint Pain Relief
The Chiropractic Arthritis Treatment
Using Arthritis Pain Medication as Treatment for Your Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug Therapy

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