Thursday, July 31, 2008

Vitamin D Could Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Risk

itamin D may have beneficial effects on rheumatoid arthritis, according to a study published in the January issue of the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism.

" The study, conducted by American scientists, focused on 29 368 women, aged between 55 and 69 years, not suffering from this disease at its origin.

The researchers analyzed the presence of vitamin D in their diet, and taking nutritional supplements that same vitamin. 11 years later, they discovered that a significant taking vitamin D supplement was associated with a reduced risk of developing the disease.

Thus, women who consumed daily at least 400 international units of vitamin D supplement (10 micrograms per day) would reduce the risk of contracting the disease by 34%. However, research on the absorption of vitamin D during the simple diet have not yielded significant results.

Likewise, any food rich in vitamin D or calcium was strongly associated with reduced risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

According to researchers, this study is encouraging but further tests will be carried out to check the incidence of vitamin D on the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis among older women.

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Running Against Arthritis

ne participant from Quebec went to San Diego, California, on January 16 while running the marathon Carlsbad to benefit the Arthritis Society. Claude Clement, Terrebonne, has represented the hope for people suffering from arthritis.

Claude Clement was part of a team of 61 runners and walkers of Canada who have collected $ 234 000 for arthritis research, programs and services for arthritis.

Barely 62 years, Mr. Clement knows marathons. This amateur racing has completed more than 12.

"I have a great passion for running, this motivates me a lot," says Clement. My mother, Fernande Clement, suffers from arthritis for a long time. These two things prompted me to do this marathon for the ArthroAction program of the Arthritis Society, and I have personally received $ 6 600. "

Mr. Clement has made his best time of 03:41:00 for a marathon in 1983. Moreover, he would like to participate in the marathon ArthroAction in Honolulu in December 2005.

ArthroAction The program helps people achieve their goal of walking or running a marathon while raising funds whose Arthritis Society has great need.

The Company offers participants training in a group, listing the marathon, return transportation and accommodation in one of many places where the marathons.

The participant has the responsibility to train and collect an amount of money in honour of his "heroes of arthritis." The program has yielded over 13 million since its inception in 2000.

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The Chiropractic Arthritis Treatment

hether for arthritis or osteoarthritis, the chiropractor is able to relieve your suffering and so you avoid taking anti-inflammatory, a type of drug that causes, according to pharmaceutical companies that produce them, more than 400 deaths a year.

When you go to the chiropractor, from your first visit, he took an X-ray of your painful joints to diagnose with certainty that you have many osteoarthritis.

Thereafter, it establishes a personalized arthritis treatment plan. The same is true for those who suffer from arthritis. Prefer treatment without drugs is natural

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The Osteoarthritis

steoarthritis, it is also a problem painful joints, which is mainly linked to aging, sometimes difficult to avoid.

At rest, people who are suffering find that the pain calms down, then it intensifies when they form a movement. The pain is sometimes so intense they can barely or not at all to use this joint.

When osteoarthritis affects the knee, then the person is experiencing great difficulty in walking. It's the same thing when the hip is attacked. It also happens to be a part of the spine that suffers.

When someone makes osteoarthritis, the cartilage of the joint which disintegrates, becomes thinner and crack over time. This then causes friction and a real blockage that cause inflammation and often causing intense pain.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Arthritis

he joint problems such as arthritis are not reserved for the elderly, because this type of disease attacks people of all ages.

When you feel the pain painful hips, knees, fingers, elbows and wrists to prevent you go about your daily occupations, you are likely to suffer from arthritis.

There are two major groups of articular problems: systemic arthritis, an inflammatory disease and osteo-arthritis, osteoarthritis, a deterioration of cartilage.

When a person suffers from arthritis, is its immune system that s'emballe. This causes inflammation of the membrane that covers the cartilage of the joint because of the excessive production of a substance called cytosine.

That is when the person feels pain in the articulation and sometimes stiffness. At an advanced stage of the disease there may be a distortion of the joint.

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Arthritis World Day October 12

FP creates the first annual appointment french mobilization against polyarthritis. This speech is part of an international dynamic, as many countries (Belgium, Canada, USA, Spain…) are committed to communicate on polyarthritis at the World Day of arthritis.

This awareness campaign slogan clear "polyarthritis seriously harms health" aims to encourage the public to learn more about polyarthritis and change the light as it relates to this disease. It will take the entire month of October in the press, billboards, spot TV and radio and an Internet site.

Graciously designed by Bon Angle Agency, the campaign will also raise funds returned in full to finance research projects. Indeed, today, only one active support to research offers hope one day overcome the auto-immune diseases.

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Arthritis Treatment

treatment now available to victims of rheumatoid arthritis aims to block a very powerful messenger of inflammation, called TNF (tumor necrosis factor), which normally alert white blood cells of the immune system when entering an aggressor in but the body is found in excess in the joints of patients.

The antibodies used to block TNF can be administered by subcutaneous injection or intravenously.

Another treatment strategy is to cut the communication between the white blood cells, or lymphocytes, which, among arthritis, invaded the synovial membrane - which surrounds the joint - and stimulate each other, calling in reinforcements and other soldiers from their battalion.

By blocking physical contact between cells, it inhibits the recruitment of new soldiers and those who were already leaving the articulation, including inflammation resolves. The disease is thus interrupted.

"Two thirds of patients responded dramatically to these drugs, said Dr. Rich. It is not healing but remission. "

For the treatment of osteoarthritis, it focuses on physical approaches (such as physiotherapy) and some painkillers. "The exercises tailored to the physical condition of patients are essential to all forms of arthritis, said Dr. Rich.

It is important to remain active, because if we stop physical activity, muscles faiblissent and then it becomes even more difficult to walk. Swimming, for example, is one of the best sports for Joint Diseases since there are fewer and less serious impacts. In swimming, it nevertheless seeks muscles adequately. The jogging, against, should be avoided. "

The Society of arthritis launched in early September The consumer handbook on medicine against arthritis, which informs people suffering symptoms of their illness, various medications available and the benefits they can derive and precautions take.

The guide warns in particular that echinacea, which consumes to combat the cold in winter, rheumatoid arthritis worsens. It also specifies the side effects associated with each drug. "But these are tiny compared to the benefits that provides the vast majority of these drugs, said Dr. Rich. The worst side effects of these drugs is probably not take them.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Climbing Mountains For Arthritis

or seven days and six nights from October 24 to November 5, Marc Binette, Terrebonne, attempt to reach the summit of the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro, for the Arthritis Society - Division Quebec. Endurance, strength and courage to bring the rainforest to snow.

Although arthritis does not directly touch, Marc Binette is sensitive to the cause. "This disease affects more than one million people in Quebec, including children," he says.

To climb the 5 895-metre Mount Kilimanjaro, Mr. Binette began intensive training for a month. "I do the gym, running and a lot of hiking in the mountains.

" Recently, he made the ascent of Mount Jefferson, the USA, and is preparing to tackle Mount Giant. An intensive training quoi! "We must develop the muscular and cardiovascular. I give background because I want to pass this great challenge, "he says.

"I look forward to be there. My only apprehension is that you simply can not train to endure the lack of air, and I have 20 more years. "
For this expedition, Marc does not have the time and energy he spends.

In addition to training, each team member ArthroAction must submit a cheque in the amount of $ 7 000 to the Arthritis Society. To do so, Mr. Binette seek the legendary generosity of Moulinois and Moulinoises and businesses.

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Arthritis Finally Foiled

ew drugs can stop the evolution of evil and to limit the damage

The medicine is powerless to arthritis. Thanks to new classes of drugs, it can now stop the development and limit the irreparable damage that this disease can result.

Let us be accused of this progress, because it is essential to address as soon as possible arthritis before it deteriorates our joints irreparably.

"The treatments against rheumatoid arthritis have been dramatic progress over the past five years," said Dr. Eric Rich, rheumatologist at CHUM. "While 30 years ago, a person with rheumatoid arthritis is destined to a wheelchair, we now have a range of very effective treatments that can eliminate this perspective."

"Sometimes, patients have to fear excessive treatment and submit them to slow or turn to" folk medicine ", ramancheux, naturopaths or Lakota. But then, the damage continues and, remember, are irreversible.

It is therefore important to make a diagnosis as early as possible in order to deal with before that the damage may be too advanced, "said the specialist before recalling as arthritis, chronic disease the second most common in Canada with more than one million Quebecers who are affected, is a huge economic burden to society, including working days lost.

Often dubbed "disease of old," it does not only affects the elderly, it is true, are more likely to be victims.

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Arthritis And Exercise Go Hand In Hand

he evocation of arthritis makes us immediately think of the deformed joints of the elderly. This is not what is called a disease of old age. Arthritis affects nearly four million Canadians.

Women are more affected than men (in a ratio of three to one) and the disease appears mainly between 35 and 45 years. Arthritis is an inflammatory degenerative disease whose causes are not yet clearly identified.

It may consist of a degeneration of the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones. It can also cause chronic inflammation that could destroy the cartilage of the joint.

The practice of regular physical activity is essential to maintaining the strength of muscles and smooth functioning of joints. It was long thought that it could aggravate the condition of people with arthritis, but it is not.

More and more studies confirm that moderate exercise is an excellent antidote to the decline of the joints. Unfortunately, we note that many people with arthritis are in poor physical condition, which negatively affects their well-being and their general condition.

It is obvious that in the midst inflammatory and in cases where a relationship is painful, a period of rest is required. But during remission or when their condition allows it, an exercise program should be initiated.

The two keys to success are increased when appropriate and patience before achieving concrete results.

Ideally, physical activity chosen should help increase both the muscular force that cardio capacity and flexibility joints. The swimming and cross-country skiing are all designated two activities.

The dance, fitness and aqua may also be included in the agenda of arthritis ... like that of the entire population! Of course, exercise is beneficial for the health of all. This is even more true for people with arthritis or rheumatism.

The disease can become so debilitating that sufferers will have to reduce significantly their gestures and movements daily. And physical inactivity accelerates the development of disease.

It is obvious that evil does not move ... but the fact that they did not move favours the continuation of evil. It is an effort to break the vicious circle. Physical activity becomes a valuable tool to reduce pain and improve the quality of life.

Whatever the chosen activity, a warm-up period of ten minutes made a slight activation of cardiac rhythm and a few stretches of different parts of the body which will subsequently sought is essential. Jumps and physical contact are obviously banned.

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The Arthritis Cost In Canada

rthritis is the main reason for consultation with the family doctor for people over 65 years.

Arthritis and its related illnesses result in annual cost $ 17.8 million, and those costs are increasing (ICES 2004).

The long-term disability account for almost 80% of the economic costs of arthritis in 1998, nearly $ 3.4 million. The group of 35-64 years has generated its own 70% of these expenditures.

Musculoskeletal diseases accounted for 10.3% of total economic burden of disease, but have been only 1.3% of health research.

Arthritis contributes to waiting lists for replacement of articulation in a proportion of 80 to 90%. The waiting time for surgery to replace a relationship far exceeds all other periods in Canada.

Surgeries replacement joints are made at an earlier age, especially increasing the risk of having to make a second replacement.

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What Is Arthritis ?

rthritis is a disease causing inflammation of the joints and greatly affecting the quality of life of more than 4 million Canadians and their families.

It is estimated that by 2016, more than 6 million Canadians will be affected.In Canada, arthritis is the main cause deformation and long-term disability.

In 1998, arthritis or other ailments were related factor in morbid 2.4 deaths per 100 000 in Canada, making a killer arthritis more common than melanoma, asthma or AIDS, particularly among women.

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Rheumatoid Arthritis Is A Serious Illness

hronic and progressive disease, rheumatoid arthritis affects 300 000 people in France. It concerns mainly women (3 women to 1 man).

The term arthritis, an inflammation of a joint, "polyarthritis" means multiple arthritis (hands, wrists, knees, hips…).

This phenomenon is accompanied inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, destruction of cartilage, bone and tendons, causing significant functional impairment and, in the absence of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, leads to a loss 'Autonomy and mobility may lead to disability.

Raideurs morning, swelling, deformities and chronic pain often violent are the daily difficulties experienced by sufferers.

Even if one does not die of this disease, it reduces life expectancy and affects the quality of life, especially when it makes impossible the continuation of life.

In addition, simple things become very difficult if not impossible to achieve as to wash their hair, open a bottle or typing on a computer keyboard…

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Arthritis First Symptoms

rthritis was when the person feels so new and unusual swelling of joints sustained and persistent pain mostly in the extremities, wrists, fingers and feet, said Dr. Rich.

There are hundreds of types of arthritis that can be divided into two main classes, "said the specialist. On the one hand, degenerative arthritis, commonly known as osteoarthritis or deterioration of cartilage, which is more likely to suffer as they advance in age.

Able to emerge from quarantine, it is the leading cause of knee surgeries and hips. On the other hand, it recognizes inflammatory arthritis, whose prototype is rheumatoid arthritis, which may start to children.

It can prevent osteoarthritis by refraining overweight, which abyss first-bearing joints such as knees and hips. Many athletes (especially hockey Serge Savard) are also victims because of some adverse movements they repeat year after year.

In addition, members of some families carry a genetic predisposition are most often affected.

The onset of rheumatoid arthritis in turn is more mysterious. "It still does not understand what makes the immune system suddenly hyperactive in this form of arthritis, said Dr. Rich. The research focuses on this.

"But we say that scientists reflecting on this subject are not receiving their fair share of research funds across Canada. "The proportion of funds given to research on arthritis absolutely does not correspond to the costs entailed by this disease," said Andy Chabot, general manager of the Quebec division of the Society of arthritis.

This form of arthritis known as inflammatory effect stems from a disruption of the immune system that s'emballe and addresses the joints.

It is a disease known as autoimmune disease, which can strike at any age. Marie-Eve Veilleux, now 24 years, has achieved since the age of one year and a half. All during her childhood, she suffered unbearable pain while his joints deteriorating irreparably.

"When the cartilage is destroyed, the bones rub against each other is extremely painful," says Dr. Rich. At the age of 13 can no longer bear the weight of his body, Marie-Eve has been confined to a wheelchair.

The surgeons then replaced his knees and hips with metal prostheses that provide greater comfort and mobility. After a year of rehabilitation, she was able to regain use of his legs. His pain is well controlled through anti-inflammatory.

Marie-Eve has been able to complete a bachelor's degree in microbiology and immunology and is currently pursuing university studies in translation science.

It fulfills its role as spokesman for the Society of arthritis hard, determined to send a message of hope to all people who discover they are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

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Arthitris : A Disease Still Unknown

heumatoid arthritis belongs to the family of chronic inflammatory rheumatism, including social representation remains dominated by misconceptions.

The disease is often trivial and banal as it does not always visible signs of disability. It is also seen as an inevitable disease associated with aging. Yet it appears at any age and sometimes young adults, children and infants.

It seems necessary to develop with French awareness of the reality of the disease and encouraging a proactive to prevent or slow the onset of irreversible damage joints.

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Arthritis and Aboriginal

verall, 19% of the indigenous population reported suffering from arthritis, a percentage equivalent to 27% if the composition of the indigenous population was similar, in terms of age group, that of the Canadian population .

Comparing the impact of rheumatoid arthritis and breast cancer

A study of data (2) of the Ministry of Health BC, Dr. Diane Lacaille, Canadian Research Centre of arthritis, found that new cases of rheumatoid arthritis, a serious condition, disabling and deadly, have increased since 1990.

According to current demographic data, the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis is increasing, the rate of permanent disability increases as well as the impact of comorbidity resulting in death.

This alarming trend is partly the result of delays in access to treatment and consultation specialized and restricted access to medicines latest targeting molecules that cause inflammation (such as those coming together to form a cancerous tumor) and destroying the joints and other vital organs like the lungs, eyes and the court.

It is a direct consequence of inadequate funding of research-oriented this form of arthritis and to a dozen other equally important.

In comparison, the Canadian Cancer Society of BC reported on its Web site (3) that in general, incidence and mortality rates for most cancers, regardless of the seat, had stabilized and had even fallen during the last decade.

The mortality rate of breast cancer has declined in all age groups combined, and in each group separately, since the mid 1990. (4)

The rate of incidence and mortality of breast cancer are declining since 1969 among women aged 20 to 39 years. (5)

These positive developments can be directly attributed to the development of new drugs targeting tumors and timely access to all types of treatments, including specialized consultation. However, the very roots of these advances lie in the massive investment in research on breast cancer.

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There is no cure, treatments are therefore aimed at relieving pain. The doctor usually prescribed an analgesic, such as paracetamol, and an anti-inflammatory, an NSAID or an anti-COX-2.

Appeared recently, anti-COX-2 are better tolerated by the stomach and reduce the risk of side effects such as ulcers. In the presence of a limited number of joints affected and easily accessible, the doctor may inject an anti-inflammatory in the joint.

Generally, derivatives of cortisone, glucocorticoids are used. A maximum of three injections in the same articulation can be achieved in one year. New injectables, based on hyaluronic acid, have recently made their appearance and seem promising.

The physiotherapy or an exercise program are also often recommended.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is important to quickly diagnose and adequately treat this form of arthritis to maintain joint function and to prevent deformities.

In addition to anti-inflammatory - the same as those used in osteoarthritis - the doctor prescribes a slow-acting agent.

These products, oral pills or injections, slow the development of rheumatoid arthritis and get even, in some cases, eliminate it completely.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

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Friday, July 11, 2008

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

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