Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Arthritis Finally Foiled

ew drugs can stop the evolution of evil and to limit the damage

The medicine is powerless to arthritis. Thanks to new classes of drugs, it can now stop the development and limit the irreparable damage that this disease can result.

Let us be accused of this progress, because it is essential to address as soon as possible arthritis before it deteriorates our joints irreparably.

"The treatments against rheumatoid arthritis have been dramatic progress over the past five years," said Dr. Eric Rich, rheumatologist at CHUM. "While 30 years ago, a person with rheumatoid arthritis is destined to a wheelchair, we now have a range of very effective treatments that can eliminate this perspective."

"Sometimes, patients have to fear excessive treatment and submit them to slow or turn to" folk medicine ", ramancheux, naturopaths or Lakota. But then, the damage continues and, remember, are irreversible.

It is therefore important to make a diagnosis as early as possible in order to deal with before that the damage may be too advanced, "said the specialist before recalling as arthritis, chronic disease the second most common in Canada with more than one million Quebecers who are affected, is a huge economic burden to society, including working days lost.

Often dubbed "disease of old," it does not only affects the elderly, it is true, are more likely to be victims.

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