Monday, July 28, 2008

Arthritis First Symptoms

rthritis was when the person feels so new and unusual swelling of joints sustained and persistent pain mostly in the extremities, wrists, fingers and feet, said Dr. Rich.

There are hundreds of types of arthritis that can be divided into two main classes, "said the specialist. On the one hand, degenerative arthritis, commonly known as osteoarthritis or deterioration of cartilage, which is more likely to suffer as they advance in age.

Able to emerge from quarantine, it is the leading cause of knee surgeries and hips. On the other hand, it recognizes inflammatory arthritis, whose prototype is rheumatoid arthritis, which may start to children.

It can prevent osteoarthritis by refraining overweight, which abyss first-bearing joints such as knees and hips. Many athletes (especially hockey Serge Savard) are also victims because of some adverse movements they repeat year after year.

In addition, members of some families carry a genetic predisposition are most often affected.

The onset of rheumatoid arthritis in turn is more mysterious. "It still does not understand what makes the immune system suddenly hyperactive in this form of arthritis, said Dr. Rich. The research focuses on this.

"But we say that scientists reflecting on this subject are not receiving their fair share of research funds across Canada. "The proportion of funds given to research on arthritis absolutely does not correspond to the costs entailed by this disease," said Andy Chabot, general manager of the Quebec division of the Society of arthritis.

This form of arthritis known as inflammatory effect stems from a disruption of the immune system that s'emballe and addresses the joints.

It is a disease known as autoimmune disease, which can strike at any age. Marie-Eve Veilleux, now 24 years, has achieved since the age of one year and a half. All during her childhood, she suffered unbearable pain while his joints deteriorating irreparably.

"When the cartilage is destroyed, the bones rub against each other is extremely painful," says Dr. Rich. At the age of 13 can no longer bear the weight of his body, Marie-Eve has been confined to a wheelchair.

The surgeons then replaced his knees and hips with metal prostheses that provide greater comfort and mobility. After a year of rehabilitation, she was able to regain use of his legs. His pain is well controlled through anti-inflammatory.

Marie-Eve has been able to complete a bachelor's degree in microbiology and immunology and is currently pursuing university studies in translation science.

It fulfills its role as spokesman for the Society of arthritis hard, determined to send a message of hope to all people who discover they are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

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