Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Climbing Mountains For Arthritis

or seven days and six nights from October 24 to November 5, Marc Binette, Terrebonne, attempt to reach the summit of the highest mountain in Africa, Kilimanjaro, for the Arthritis Society - Division Quebec. Endurance, strength and courage to bring the rainforest to snow.

Although arthritis does not directly touch, Marc Binette is sensitive to the cause. "This disease affects more than one million people in Quebec, including children," he says.

To climb the 5 895-metre Mount Kilimanjaro, Mr. Binette began intensive training for a month. "I do the gym, running and a lot of hiking in the mountains.

" Recently, he made the ascent of Mount Jefferson, the USA, and is preparing to tackle Mount Giant. An intensive training quoi! "We must develop the muscular and cardiovascular. I give background because I want to pass this great challenge, "he says.

"I look forward to be there. My only apprehension is that you simply can not train to endure the lack of air, and I have 20 more years. "
For this expedition, Marc does not have the time and energy he spends.

In addition to training, each team member ArthroAction must submit a cheque in the amount of $ 7 000 to the Arthritis Society. To do so, Mr. Binette seek the legendary generosity of Moulinois and Moulinoises and businesses.

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