Monday, September 15, 2008

Arthritis Tips For Better Living

hat if you receive a diagnosis of arthritis ? Arthritis can have a significant impact on your life and your ability to accomplish your tasks. However, changing somewhat how you do things, you can reduce the impact of this disease.

Here are some tips of the Arthritis Society to help you control arthritis pain and save your energy.

Reduce the pressure on the joints affected
Pay attention to your pain. It can be caused by the pressure at which your joints affected are subject during your daily activities.

If your muscles are strong, they will protect your joints against pressure when you move. A physiotherapist can recommend arthritis exercises to strengthen muscles and develop a precise program of activities to improve your health joints.

Adjust your daily activities
Try to minimize the efforts you require certain tasks. With a little imagination, you can find good alternatives. For example, replace door knobs with levers easier to use and use a cart to push objects instead wear them.

Save your energy
In going about your daily business, wear attention to the signals you send your body. Plan your work so as to spread your demanding tasks over several days and to activities more relaxing. Complete your demanding tasks at the time of day when you feel most fit. Treat yourself many breaks between your tasks.

Manages your hands as much as possible
Avoid close objects too hard and make sure you hold the handles of your tools and utensils with the palms of hands. The fact that excessive pressure on your fingers can cause pain.
By changing somewhat how you do your chores, you gain a much better your symptoms of arthritis

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