Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Janick Martin And Jonathan Voyer Run For Arthritis

anick Martin and Jonathan Voyer run for the program Arthro-Action of the Arthritis Society again this year. Under this program, the two athletes want to raise $ 15 000. A sum that will enable them to run in search of hope and research for arthritis.

Jumeles two heroes of arthritis, Jonathan run for his mother Marie Voyer and Janick for elodie Chicoine, a young Maskoutaine six years suffering from juvenile arthritis.

For its seventh year of involvement, the young athlete will participate this year in Jamaica marathon in December. As the Maskoutaine Janick Martin, for its third year of participation, it will be the departure of Walt Disney Triathlon on September 21 in Orlando. Accustomed to run abroad last year, both riders.

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