Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis : Therapy Developed

team of researchers at the Institute of Parasitology and Biomedicine of the Supreme Council of Spanish Scientific Research (CSIC), Grenada, has managed to develop in a mouse cell therapy for rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, two major autoimmune diseases.

For the two experimental models considered, scientists were able to eliminate the arthritis symptoms and lead to a reversion of the degenerative process.

The arthritis therapy uses a certain type of cells (dendritic cells) which, when injected into animals affected by these disorders, producing regulatory T cells (Treg cells), responsible for the maintenance of immunological tolerance.

Scientific CSIC and the head of the research team, Mario Delgado, explains: "The analysis of cellular mechanisms revealed that these dendritic cells produced in animals treated Treg new cells which act to neutralize the immune cells which, in the case of rheumatoid arthritis, attack components of the joints, or in the case of multiple sclerosis, attack the myelin sheaths of the nerves. "

According to Dr. Delgado, "the results obtained with animals are most promising, but caution is still required as to its possible use on humans because it would then have a" personalized cell therapy involving high costs ".

However, its use could be justified, some degenerative disorders not benefiting from any effective alternative treatment.

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic neurological disease and severe, present everywhere in the world. His high social cost and the fact that it primarily affects young adults make it a priority and urgent issue at both clinical and social.

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