Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Arthritis And Exercise Go Hand In Hand

he evocation of arthritis makes us immediately think of the deformed joints of the elderly. This is not what is called a disease of old age. Arthritis affects nearly four million Canadians.

Women are more affected than men (in a ratio of three to one) and the disease appears mainly between 35 and 45 years. Arthritis is an inflammatory degenerative disease whose causes are not yet clearly identified.

It may consist of a degeneration of the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones. It can also cause chronic inflammation that could destroy the cartilage of the joint.

The practice of regular physical activity is essential to maintaining the strength of muscles and smooth functioning of joints. It was long thought that it could aggravate the condition of people with arthritis, but it is not.

More and more studies confirm that moderate exercise is an excellent antidote to the decline of the joints. Unfortunately, we note that many people with arthritis are in poor physical condition, which negatively affects their well-being and their general condition.

It is obvious that in the midst inflammatory and in cases where a relationship is painful, a period of rest is required. But during remission or when their condition allows it, an exercise program should be initiated.

The two keys to success are increased when appropriate and patience before achieving concrete results.

Ideally, physical activity chosen should help increase both the muscular force that cardio capacity and flexibility joints. The swimming and cross-country skiing are all designated two activities.

The dance, fitness and aqua may also be included in the agenda of arthritis ... like that of the entire population! Of course, exercise is beneficial for the health of all. This is even more true for people with arthritis or rheumatism.

The disease can become so debilitating that sufferers will have to reduce significantly their gestures and movements daily. And physical inactivity accelerates the development of disease.

It is obvious that evil does not move ... but the fact that they did not move favours the continuation of evil. It is an effort to break the vicious circle. Physical activity becomes a valuable tool to reduce pain and improve the quality of life.

Whatever the chosen activity, a warm-up period of ten minutes made a slight activation of cardiac rhythm and a few stretches of different parts of the body which will subsequently sought is essential. Jumps and physical contact are obviously banned.

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