Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Rheumatoid Arthritis Is A Serious Illness

hronic and progressive disease, rheumatoid arthritis affects 300 000 people in France. It concerns mainly women (3 women to 1 man).

The term arthritis, an inflammation of a joint, "polyarthritis" means multiple arthritis (hands, wrists, knees, hips…).

This phenomenon is accompanied inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, destruction of cartilage, bone and tendons, causing significant functional impairment and, in the absence of early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, leads to a loss 'Autonomy and mobility may lead to disability.

Raideurs morning, swelling, deformities and chronic pain often violent are the daily difficulties experienced by sufferers.

Even if one does not die of this disease, it reduces life expectancy and affects the quality of life, especially when it makes impossible the continuation of life.

In addition, simple things become very difficult if not impossible to achieve as to wash their hair, open a bottle or typing on a computer keyboard…

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