Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Arthritis

he joint problems such as arthritis are not reserved for the elderly, because this type of disease attacks people of all ages.

When you feel the pain painful hips, knees, fingers, elbows and wrists to prevent you go about your daily occupations, you are likely to suffer from arthritis.

There are two major groups of articular problems: systemic arthritis, an inflammatory disease and osteo-arthritis, osteoarthritis, a deterioration of cartilage.

When a person suffers from arthritis, is its immune system that s'emballe. This causes inflammation of the membrane that covers the cartilage of the joint because of the excessive production of a substance called cytosine.

That is when the person feels pain in the articulation and sometimes stiffness. At an advanced stage of the disease there may be a distortion of the joint.

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