Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Arthritis Treatment

treatment now available to victims of rheumatoid arthritis aims to block a very powerful messenger of inflammation, called TNF (tumor necrosis factor), which normally alert white blood cells of the immune system when entering an aggressor in but the body is found in excess in the joints of patients.

The antibodies used to block TNF can be administered by subcutaneous injection or intravenously.

Another treatment strategy is to cut the communication between the white blood cells, or lymphocytes, which, among arthritis, invaded the synovial membrane - which surrounds the joint - and stimulate each other, calling in reinforcements and other soldiers from their battalion.

By blocking physical contact between cells, it inhibits the recruitment of new soldiers and those who were already leaving the articulation, including inflammation resolves. The disease is thus interrupted.

"Two thirds of patients responded dramatically to these drugs, said Dr. Rich. It is not healing but remission. "

For the treatment of osteoarthritis, it focuses on physical approaches (such as physiotherapy) and some painkillers. "The exercises tailored to the physical condition of patients are essential to all forms of arthritis, said Dr. Rich.

It is important to remain active, because if we stop physical activity, muscles faiblissent and then it becomes even more difficult to walk. Swimming, for example, is one of the best sports for Joint Diseases since there are fewer and less serious impacts. In swimming, it nevertheless seeks muscles adequately. The jogging, against, should be avoided. "

The Society of arthritis launched in early September The consumer handbook on medicine against arthritis, which informs people suffering symptoms of their illness, various medications available and the benefits they can derive and precautions take.

The guide warns in particular that echinacea, which consumes to combat the cold in winter, rheumatoid arthritis worsens. It also specifies the side effects associated with each drug. "But these are tiny compared to the benefits that provides the vast majority of these drugs, said Dr. Rich. The worst side effects of these drugs is probably not take them.

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