Friday, August 1, 2008

Arthritis Affects One Third Of Adults

he Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta (Georgia) recently unveiled the results of a study on arthritis in adults.

It focused on 212 000 people across the United States. Approximately one third of these people, suffers from one of the hundreds of possible forms of arthritis, including the two most serious are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The salaries, hospitalizations and work days lost because of this disease cost about $ 82 billion per year.

Arthritis is more common among women than among men, among physically inactive people and those suffering from overweight.

Hence, this family of diseases is the chronic health problem most severe USA. The situation is even more alarming that research on rheumatology receives too little credit. So the National Institutes of Health spent only 278 million dollars to research on arthritis in 2001, compared to an overall budget of 20 billion dollars.

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