Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Early Osteoarthritis Diagnosis : New Technique

Osteoarthritis Diagnosis and Treatments
Medical diagnosis for osteoarthritis that usually includes symptoms discussion, medical history detailed and physical exam

Osteoarthritis Diagnosis Criteria

Accurate osteoarthritis diagnosis so appropriate treatment option can be considered. In diagnose osteoarthritis that doctor will build assessment using medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, imaging studies.

Differential Osteoarthritis Diagnosis
Initial goal to differentiate osteoarthritis. Other determinations in osteoarthritis include subchondral sclerosis, subchondral cyst formation and asymmetric joint-space narrowing.
lThe osteoarthritis diagnosis is primarily
lbased on history & physical examination.
lUsually, the clinical feature that patient
lexhibits are sufficient to build the
l osteoarthritis diagnosis.
lIn sufferer with using-related pain
lin single joint who has bony swelling,
lcrepitus, and cut down range of motion,
lthe diagnosis is likely osteoarthritis. Early
l osteoarthritis diagnosis is important, An
leffective treatment program depends on
laccurate osteoarthritis diagnosis.
lA medical doctor that specialist in
larthritis, known as rheumatologist, can
lplay esential role in the
l osteoarthritis diagnosis and treatment.
lA unique utilization of magnetic
lresonance imaging technology that
lprovides non-invasive early
l osteoarthritis diagnosis has been
ldeveloped by Tel Aviv University
land New York University researchers.
lTill date, osteoarthritis couldn't be
ldetected before reaches an advanced
lstage, after both severe symptoms and
lirreversible joint damage already set in.
l"An early osteoarthritis diagnosis is very,
lvery important, especialy for athletes
land the aging," stated Prof. Gil Navon,
lfrom Tel Aviv University School of
lChemistry, who was co-author of the
lresearch paper.
lWhile the varied MRI test have not yet
lavailable in clinics, the costs still same
las conventional MRI procedure &
ltakes about same time to operate,
lallowing a osteoarthritis diagnosis on
lthe same day, researchers reported.

osteoarthritis diagnosis researach, osteoarthritis diagnosis concept

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