Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Racket With Torches For Arthritis

The Arthritis Society of Estrie held for the first time as a method of financing and recreational snowshoe hike with torches.

The activity under the honorary presidency of Jocelyn Thibault will be held next Saturday at 19 h 30, Park Mount Bellevue.

This output outdoor is family friendly, while allowing the Arthritis Society of the Eastern Townships to raise funds to support research. It is organized in collaboration with the trails of the Eastern Townships and the cost of registration is $ 40, with snowshoes provided. It is free for children 12 and under accompanied by an adult.

The CEO of the Arthritis Society of Estrie, Rita Lizotte-Gouin, recalled the importance of the sums awarded for research in different health facilities, including more than 160 000 $ for the CHUS in 2008-2009 .

Moreover, there are many services offered by the Arthritis Society of the Eastern Townships for people with this disease: information, forums, camps for children.

Related post :

Rheumatoid Arthritis Connection,

The Chiropractic Arthritis Treatment

Early Osteoarthritis Diagnosis : New Technique

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