Monday, March 23, 2009

Septic Arthritis: How To Relieve The Joint Infection ?

The arthritis s septic joint infections are caused by the presence of an infectious agent within one or more joints. It is a disease for which a visit to the rheumatologist.

Infection of the joint can result from direct inoculation microbial articular or wound at the intra-articular injection of steroids, sometimes despite aseptic precautions. Much more rarely, infection of the joint can spread from an infected bone neighbor or skin. Infection can also occur through blood and can affect only one joint.

Clinical signs appear in most cases a very brutal: the joint achievement is particularly painful, and will lead to a gene for mobility and a marked impotence in arthritis of the lower limbs. The affected joint will be very swollen, not red, and appear as hot when the key.

When infection complicates infiltration, the signs are entangled with those of the underlying disease, which may be the cause of delayed diagnosis. In all cases, the treatment of septic arthritis is a medical emergency.

This treatment will include antibiotics to combat adapted seed when it is isolated. Otherwise, if the seed is not isolated, it will shift more towards active antibiotics on the different types of bacteria.

This treatment will be extended for several weeks until clinical signs disappear. Finally, the evacuation of the effusion by puncture or through a washing will rid the articulation of the toxic substances it contains. Moreover, this drain will allow a final diagnosis on the effectiveness of treatment by analyzing the liquid to be sterilized.

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