Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms : Predicting the Risk

lEarly rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
lonset often seems as "undifferentiated
larthritis", meaning that symptom do not
lpresent enough evidence for doctor to
loffer definitive diagnosis.
l Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
lEarly rheumatoid arthritis symptoms for
lrheumatoid arthritis commonly include
lfatigue, weight loss & anemia. Affects
labout 2 million Americans, 3 times
lmore women than men.
l Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are
ldifferent than osteoarthritis symptoms .
lRheumatoid arthritis sets body at war
lwith itself, as the white blood cell attack
lhealthy tissue in joint. The cost of
lwar may be more great than previously
lthought: people with rheumatoid
larthritis are twice as potential to die of
lheart disease.
lKnowing early rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
lcan aid people to identify the disease in early
lstages. Early rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
lusually include some- however not all- of
lthe telltale signs.
lMost often, it starts with two or one
lcommon symptoms & progresses over
ltime. RA is the autoimmune disease,
lcharacterized by inflammation in lining of
lEarly rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
ldiffer from person to other, & there is
lno single test for identified the
ldisease. Furthermore, full range of
lsymptoms develop overtime. Only few
lsymptoms may be deliver at the onset,
lmaking it difficult to notice early
lrheumatoid arthritis symptoms
lIn addition, patient will receive less
lpain, joint damage, & permanent
ldisability. Unfortunately, sometimes
learly rheumatoid arthritis symptoms are
ldifficult to diagnose since they can be
lsimilar to other health condition,
lespecially other arthritis forms, such
las fibromyalgia and lupus.

rheumatoid arthritis early symptoms, signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, first symptoms rheumatoid arthritis, common symptoms for rheumatoid arthritis

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