Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Arthritis Affect To One Million Quebecers

he life of Paul Ruet has abruptly changed course a beautiful summer morning, 42 years ago. The young man of 19 years, athletic, loving life, had just begun its work when a summer attack of arthritis has foudroyé. Nothing would take place as planned.

The boy was literally folded in two as a result of the pain. It took him seven years to recover somewhat, thanks to karate, despite his column distorted.

The pain has become the daily lot, which has not prevented a good day to make the choice to enjoy life.

Yesterday, Mr. Ruet participated in a clinical screening of arthritis, the National Assembly. This disease, too often wrongly associated with old age, affecting as many as one million Quebeckers, including 1500 children. It comes in a hundred different forms at varying intensities. The most affected are literally disabled.

A man and showed that in times of crisis, it needs no less than an hour to get out of bed. "I'm not made in the shower, there! "Told the man who travels each day to work.

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