Monday, August 4, 2008

Arthritis Foods Beneficial

n several foods of plant origin there are substances known for their anti-inflammatory property. Among other cases of radishes, olive oil or extra first cold pressing and nuts.

If these foods are not already part of your diet, it is possible that their consumption helps reduce the arthritis symptoms.

Other foods, like fermented products (yogurt, kefir, Rejuvelac, miso, sauerkraut) and legumes and cereal products with whole grains, may reduce inflammation in improving the functioning of the immune system surrounding the digestive tract.

It could be that arthritis is caused by an excess of acid in the body. If so, the symptoms could be reduced by reducing the consumption of foods naturally acidic, such as coffee, chocolate, black tea, fruit juice, lemonade, tomato and its derivatives, watercress , Sauerkraut, lemon, fruit acids, berries and vinegar.

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