Monday, August 4, 2008

Arthritis Society, A Special Costume

he Arthritis Society yesterday offered the opportunity to experiment a little bit of daily living that people with rheumatoid arthritis.

A costume, probably unique in the world, designed by a German whose wife suffered from this evil, reproduced the constraints of disease, pain and less. The Sun threaded through the patient assistance Nathalie Giroux, the Arthritis Society.

The operation, which takes a good half hour, is a special experience. As the straps are tightened, the sensation of becoming a prisoner of his own body moves.

Every movement becomes difficult. The body has no more flexibility, the neck is stuck in a kind of cervical collar, hands are stiff, joints do not work more than half. To address or take a small object become real challenges.

For 60% of people affected, participation in social and economic life is hampered, explained singer

Marie-Michele Desrosiers, who is acting as sponsor for this cause.

The good news, notes the rheumatologist Monique Camerlain is that the prospects are good. The research has helped develop medicines and treatments, and continues to grow, "she said.

By against the ageing of the population means that there will be more osteoarthritis, a form of arthritis caused by wear on joints that affects 80% of 60 years and over, varying degrees of course.

But the 80 rheumatologists Quebec are not sufficient to the task now, according laDre Camerlain. It is therefore important to make prevention, for delaying the onset of inflammation. And on the subject, the recipe is always the same: exercise and weight balanced…

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