Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Medicine Against Arthritis, Reminder

he authorities have ordered the philippines Swiss pharmaceutical group Novartis to recall the Lumiracoxib (also sold under the name Prexige), a medicine against arthritis, suspected to cause liver damage.

The Agency for regulating medicines and food ordered Novartis' start immediately recall the product and stop the importation, distribution and sale of Lumiracoxib (Prexige).

According to the agency administering the drug in question this "more risks than benefits."

The Lumiracoxib (Prexige) is prescribed to relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis, pain post-surgery, dental and related to menstrual pain.

The agency also advised the patients who use Lumiracoxib "stop treatment" and to consult a doctor.

Novartis announced in November that Prexige had been suspended from sale in Britain and Germany because of fears of damage to the liver for users.

The drug was also suspended in Austria, Australia and Canada, while the U.S. Agency for Drugs (FDA) has refused to Novartis approval of Prexige.

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