Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Diet To Relieve Arthritis Symptoms

rançoise Boisjoli suffers from arthritis and would like to know if there are foods to avoid and others to give priority to alleviate the symptoms.

According to Canadian statistics, more than one Canadian in seven suffers from arthritis diseases (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis). Women are twice as likely to suffer than men.

At the biochemical level, we recognize this autoimmune disease by the accumulation of compounds eicosanoids at the joints (wrists, fingers, hip, etc.)..
The eicosanoids form a family of compounds associated with the functioning of the immune system, they include prostaglandin, thromboxane and leukotrienes.

When infectious agents (bacteria, viruses) invade our organization, it responds by secreting of eicosanoids that will set in motion a series of reactions, such as inflammation, fever, redness, swelling, and so on.

Unfortunately, when our cartilage, and our bones are chronically exposed to these compounds, it leads to their progressive destruction.

By consulting a file of the nutritionist Helena Baribeau, we learn that it would be possible to alleviate the symptoms of the disease (swelling, stiffness, pain and redness articular) in some people with arthritis by changing their diet.

First, a diet without any product of animal origin (meat, dairy products, poultry, etc.). Or without meat could only reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Positive effects of fasting were also reported. Some studies have even reported benefits when fasting is followed by a vegetarian diet.

By reducing the consumption of fatty acid omega-6 (soybean oil, sunflower, grape seed, safflower, corn), we could see a similar beneficial effect. This type of fat should be replaced by omega-3 fatty.

Because several studies have shown that a daily intake of about 3 grams of omega-3 long-chain helped reduce some symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. We can achieve this by consuming a daily dose about 150 grams of fish (salmon, lake trout, herring, mackerel) or taking a supplement of fish oil.

The weight loss, even modest, in the case of excess weight can help reduce symptoms of arthritis.

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