Sunday, August 10, 2008

First Case Of Arthritis In Japan

he OIE reported the discovery of the first cases of arthritis / encephalitis in Japan goats near Saku in the region of Nagano.

The virus of the AECV belongs to a group of retroviruses, found in most animal species and whose representatives are the best known virus infectious anemia horse, virus-visna maedi sheep, the bovine leukosis virus, and especially the AIDS virus to humans.

These viruses have however great specificity and, under natural conditions, contamination between species seem exceptional. One of their biological relation to the great variability of some of their components, expressed variability between and within subgroups called "variants".

The virus is the causative agent of arthritis, a disease that can affect virtually every organ of goat, which is characterized clinically by a slow, progressive and irreversible.

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