Friday, August 1, 2008

Arthritis : A Disease To Demystify

any people think arthritis is a disease that affects only the elderly. However, this assertion is the myth, since 1500 youth in Quebec suffer from this malaise.

The Arthritis Society (division Estrie-Montérégie) wants to campaign to demystify this disease.

"For many people, be suffering from arthritis, is to be locked up. Your body becomes a prison, "said the Regional Director (Eastern Townships - Montérégie) of the Arthritis Society, Rita Lizotte-Gouin, in order to paint a bleak picture of the situation.

Within the MRC Memphremagog, Ms. Lizotte-Gouin 7000 estimated the number of people delivering a battle against arthritis.

The annual fundraising campaign, during which an event is held at Cafe Saint-Michel de Magog, March 12 next, would like to raise money to find cures for this disease and to sensitize the population.

Arthritis : A Disease To Demystify "There's not so long ago, I met a teenager of 15 years in a waiting room, which had an appointment with her rheumatologist. She told me she wanted to be shaved hair. I asked him why. She said that her classmates do not understand his illness.

They wonder why it can not climb the stairs of the school at full speed. It must take the elevator, then it's perfectly normal air. She believes that by shaving hair, it will give a face to this disease, that students will understand better.

That is why we must convey the message that arthritis does not discriminate. It addresses all people, young or old. "

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