Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Rheumatoid Arthritis, A Transgenic Model

French team has developed a transgenic mouse model of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic disease whose development is strongly associated with the expression of certain HLA alleles.

Mice KRN which were created by S. Mangialaio and his colleagues at the Instititut of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology in Illkirch are transgenic animals where the recognition of MHC molecules of itself (haplotype Anod) by a T cell receptor (TCR) triggers a specific autoimmune disease joints.

Researchers state that the development of rheumatic disease is directly activated by transgenic T cells through interaction TCR-MHC.

Other combinations TCR KRN-CMH alloréactives not cause arthritis, indicating that arthritis KRN depends on a specific antigen recognized by the TCR KRN. Researchers have also shown that arthritis is not simply due to overexpression in the joints of an antigen recognized by the TCR KRN.

They also created a new model in which a transcriptional specific B cells and controlled by tetracycline, can induce the expression of genes reporters in lymphocytes B.

"This will allow us to seek the role of B cells in the induction of tolerance in the KRN arthritis and other autoimmune diseases," conclude the authors.

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